A New Heart
“You are next in line for a heart replacement,” was the long-awaited promise from the heart surgeon. My friend had waited two years for a stronger, newer heart. Finally, his hopes were about to be fulfilled.
Saul was the tallest man in Israel. In fact, the Prophet Samuel said that he “was the most handsome man in Israel, head and shoulders taller than anyone else in the land.” Saul was gifted with winning looks and a basketball player physique, perhaps the envy of every man in the land of Israel.
Saul’s fortune was about to gain even more
ground. While on a trip searching for the family donkeys, Saul met the Prophet
Samuel who gave him exciting news; He would meet a group of traveling prophets.
“At that time the Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you…and you
will be changed into a different person.” 1 Samuel 10:6
All of these events came to pass. “As Saul
turned and started to leave, God gave him a new heart, and all Samuel’s signs
were fulfilled that day.” 1 Samuel 10:9
Saul won the Holy Spirit lottery in everyone’s
eyes. He already had it all, yet God added more than anyone could possibly have
imagined. He was changed by the power of God who gave him a new heart!
We view Saul’s fortune and wonder; can I have
that? Height and good looks are probably
the luck of the draw; however, a spiritual change and new heart are more than
possible for you and me! God spoke to Ezekiel, “I will give you a new heart
and put a new spirit in you.” Ezekiel 36:26
Jesus came to fulfill this amazing promise. His
life, death and resurrection were God’s answer to our need for a new heart. “For
God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes
in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
It may be that you desire to be a “new person.”
Perhaps you need a new heart. Jesus has already provided for you. What is your
response? “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9
You are next in line; your new heart is ready!
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