Lay Down My Life

 I love you. I want to spend my life with you. I will do anything for you.

Do these words sound familiar?

They should.  Many of us spoke similar words at some point during the courting period of our lives.  Step back with me.  After meeting “the one”, the most important person in our lives, we uttered one or all three sentences, and we spoke with honesty and love.

Did we really understand the scope of our statements?  If asked, “will you really lay down your life for me?”  Would we?  Would you?

It depends….do you mean “lay down” as in…dying?

Let’s read Jesus’ words…..

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

This Greek word for “love” is Agapen or Agape.  Jesus used this word especially as meaning, “devoted to, caring, and the deep love of God for His own.”  A contemporary translation reads, “This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends.” MSG

Jesus spoke these words to his disciples in what is called, the Upper Room Discourse.  Having just finished His supper with the  disciples, Jesus was sharing last words with them.  Jesus knew that he would die in a short time, yet He had so much to say.  He would literally “lay down” His life for not only the disciples, but for the world…you and me.

Jesus “put His life on the line” for us. 

By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. 1 John 3:16

So…Ken, are you saying that I must die every day for my friends and family?  Are you saying that I must lay down my life daily?

In response, let me ask, “How much do you love?”

How much do you love your wife?  Husband?  Friend?

True love, true Agape love is willing to “Lay down” or “Put a life on the line.”  This Agape love is devoted to the welfare of a beloved, or a friend.  Agape never gives up.  It is constant, steady, perpetual, and unbroken.

Truly loving others, by "laying down" one's life, means "abiding" in the love of Christ (John 15:8–11), in a consistent, moment-by-moment approach.

How about it?  Are you ready to lay down your life?  Are you ready to put your life on the line for someone else?  It’s a hard question and demands an answer that only you can give.  Before you answer, read John 15…the whole chapter and allow Jesus in The Holy Spirit to guide you.

Last thoughts: don’t throw away your life.  The decision is yours.  Will you lay down your life?


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