How Is Your Connection to Jesus?

 Can you hear me now?

 We depend on our cell phones for communication with friends, business deals, and fun.  As we move about, the phone displays how close or far away we are from cell towers using "bars."  The best communication happens when our phones display all of the bars, showing that we are in close proximity to the tower, or the source.

Our relationship with Jesus also depends on our proximity or closeness to Him.  Just as one moves around while using cell phones, we may find ourselves moving out of range in our relationship with Jesus.  Fortunately,  Jesus pursues His own, always!   Jesus desires fellowship with you and me.

You are probably asking, “what does the word fellowship mean?  A friend defined it as, “two fellows in the same ship.”  That definition is actually quite accurate.  Fellowship is companionship, togetherness, camaraderie, and friendly association.  It describes two or more individuals who share the same interests and enjoy the presence of the other. Even better than a cell tower, Jesus wants to be with have fellowship with us.

 Read with me...

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.  Rev. 3:20

 Jesus never forces his presence or "bars" on us.  He offers his presence and love by "knocking" on the door of our spirit or "heart."  Unlike the cell tower, which is static or rooted to a location, Jesus is dynamic.  He is omnipresent.  In other words, it's impossible to get out of range from Jesus.  His signal is never weak.   We may choose to ignore or not use His "bars”; however Jesus never leaves us.

 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

As we travel or move about, cell towers come and go.  As we travel through life, Jesus is always within range. His "bars" are always strong.

Jesus loves you.  He lived, died, and arose on resurrection day for you and me.

How's your connection with Jesus?

Can you hear Me now?


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