Lent - A Time of Preparation

  Lent - Simply put, a time of preparation.

Preparation for What?
Just as Advent is a time of preparation for Christmas, Lent is the time we prepare for Palm Sunday and Easter.
Why prepare? Do we need to prepare? Isn't it all just a waste of time?
Just as excitement and preparation for a birthday party is good and needed...so is Lent for Easter.
Can't I just celebrate Easter without all of the hoopla?
Yes, you can. But do you? Do you really celebrate Easter? Real Easter celebration happens with forethought, planning, and caring enough to dwell on the awfulness leading up to the resurrection.
Do I have to give up something for Lent?
No, you actually don't. Lent involves focusing on something or someone. YOU choose what you will focus on. If giving up something helps you focus, then get to it. If starting something new helps you focus....then start it!
What should be my focus?
Jesus - He is the focus of Lent and Easter. He loves you and wants to live in your life.
I pray a wonderful Lent and Easter for YOU.


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