Is Our World Worth Saving?

 "I’m not sure that our world is worth saving!"

"That’s a strong statement!  Are you sure?"

How about it?  How do you feel about our world?  Is it?

Is it worth saving?  Before you answer…let’s look at Jesus’ words to us.

Jesus…said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

I wonder if Jesus…really understood what HE was saying to us?  Did He have an inkling of the issues…the obstacles that we would encounter?  What about the danger that would confront us?  What about hate?  What about…….

The list could go on and on, however, I think that Jesus had clear knowledge of our future.  In fact, His understanding was so complete that He planned specifically for our needs!  Look at His words.

Because He has all authority, He commissioned us to do the work in His power,  and said that He would be with us…forever!  That sounds like a plan!  He has the authority and power…He promises to be with us…always!

Since He promised to be with us in order for us to do His work in His power…what exactly are we to do?

Let’s make a list of our duties:

Make disciples

Go – Go outside of your house.  Go on a walk.  Go to the store.  Go speak to your neighbor (think....30-second and 3-minute relationships)

Make disciples – Share your story with new believers.  (Not a believer?  Help to usher them into the kingdom).  Lead a Bible study.  Teach a Sunday School class.

Baptize – Set apart believers by baptizing them.  A baptized believer has taken the final step in separation from the world.  Baptism does not save; however it is an act of obedience that marks us as belonging to Jesus.

Teach – Much like Discipling but much more organized.  Involve yourself with new believers, share your story.  Make a difference in someone’s world.

Commander Root spoke to Captain Holly Short concerning a similar issue in the Walt Disney movie, Artemis Fowl.  Listen as she speaks…

"This place needs fairies like you.  Our world has never been so much in danger.  It’s not perfect, Holly, but it’s ours!  It’s a light to guide us.  It’s worth fighting for!"

So, how about it?  Is our world worth fighting for?  Is our world worth saving?

Jesus apparently thought so!

Ready to get to work?


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