The Tomb – Lent Day 46, Silent Saturday

Now there was a man named Joseph…a good and upright man, who…was waiting for the kingdom of God. Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus’ body…wrapped it in linen cloth and placed it in a tomb cut in the rock, one in which no one had yet been laid. It was Preparation Day, and the Sabbath was about to begin. Luke 23:50-54

It’s quiet…very quiet, except for the crying and sobs. The crowds are gone and Jesus is dead. A few loyal followers remained behind to render their final, loving act of burial for Jesus. Mary and other women prepared their ointments while Joseph was away securing Jesus’ body from Pilot. It was a dangerous act for Joseph of Arimathea, yet he made the effort to show his love for Jesus.

Jesus’ body was stiff and cold. The smell of death clinging to his lifeless skin made it difficult to wrap the long cloths around the body. The ointments were applied quickly and finally, His body was gently placed in the new tomb. Jesus was dead.

Our Lenten journey is completed. In the same way that Jesus was dead on Silent Saturday, Lent is over for us, today. The passage from Ash Wednesday through today has been one of painful lessons and hunger in fasting. Lent has been a time of emptying self and allowing God to fill us with His presence.

Lent is a time of discovery…viewing the suffering and death of Jesus as with the eyes of a child, learning just how much Jesus suffered, then died, and finally was resurrected…and…and…how much He loves me!

It’s Saturday, but Sunday is coming.

Get ready…look to the tomb…


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