Turn To The Lord – Lent Day 34

So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes. Daniel 9:3                                                                   

“I’m pleading with you, don’t do it!”

Do these words sound familiar? We have all used this sentence…probably with a teenager or adult child. Perhaps you used the sentence on a friend…maybe even a stranger.

Daniel used these words with God. Can you imagine…pleading with God? Daniel was pleading for his people, the Jews. While in Babylonian captivity, Daniel was brought up to speed on the reason and length of the Jewish captivity. His pleading involved prayers and petition, while dressed in sackcloth and lying in ashes. All of this was done while fasting.

Daniel was a court official…a rather high official. His powers were vast and far reaching. One word from his mouth could change the course of a country. He was The Man! However, Daniel used his words for more than changing a city or country. He chose to change a destiny. He chose to “turn to The Lord.”

Lent is coming to an end, however, turning to The Lord is far from over. In fact, this is a fitting beginning to our life of faith and walk with Jesus. What about you? Have you turned every direction possible and are you still filled with doubts and questions? Perhaps it’s time to make one final turn.

“So…I turned to The Lord….”


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