Turn – Lent Day 36

But if a wicked person turns away from all the sins they have committed and keeps all my decrees and does what is just and right, that person will surely live; they will not die. Ezekiel 18:21

“In five hundred feet, make a right turn, then immediately move into the left turn lane.”

We rely on our GPS for accurate directions while driving. Our phones have become necessary for traveling from one point to another. The use of paper maps has become a thing of the past. Poring over maps and directions prior to a trip has been replaced with, “Google, give me directions to …”

Ezekiel was God prophet to Israel in matters of God’s directions to a nation desperately seeking God’s path and leadership.

“Ezekiel, what about this issue? Are you sure this is what God wants? If I disobey, will my children be punished, also?”

Questions, questions. And what was God’s answer? Here it is…”if…you…turn…you will not die.” The answer was actually a little more complicated, but the basic truth amounted to…are you ready? It’s really quite simple.

Turn! That’s it! TURN! As in change directions, go a different path. We could use the word, “repent,” which means, make a 180 degree turn. Turn completely around and begin moving in the opposite direction.

Now, here’s the Lenten application. We are moving on a 40 day path toward the death and resurrection of Jesus. If this is your path and direction, well and good! If not??? It’s not too late to turn…repent…turn around. Give up your sins, turn away from all of your sins.

Make a Lenten turn.


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