The Wilderness – Lent Day 31

Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. Matthew 4:1-2                                                                                                                                                            

Thirst, hunger, cold, and wild animals. The wilderness is dangerous! Someone posted, “Don’t raise your tent and camp where there are boulders from rockfalls.

Jesus was filled with the Spirit at His baptism. He was Spiritually full and walking on air, so to speak. One would think that Jesus should have gone into Jerusalem and began His ministry with a huge crusade, preaching to the masses, and witnessing the salvation of thousands!

However, The Father…God, had another plan. Jesus was led into the wilderness. The Father led His Son into the wilderness…but why? The answer? Simply – to be tempted by the devil. Why would The Father subject His son to such treatment? Why the wilderness?

The wilderness is a location for intense experiences. Moses’ encounter with God deep in the wilderness came from a burning bush, and God revealed His personal Name. Elijah heard the “still” or quiet, small voice.

Jesus was led into the wilderness to experience the presence of God in a unique way. Jesus was God and man, and as such came to show us how to live. Just as Jesus was tempted, so we will experience temptation. Jesus experienced the wilderness and proved that we too, can experience the wilderness…and succeed. Not in our own power, but with the almighty power of God, The Father.

During this Lent season, you may be in a wilderness. Take heart! Just as Jesus emerged from the wilderness, so you can leave it, victorious. Wilderness experiences last for a period of time and are designed to lead us into the presence of God.

How about you?  Are you in The Wilderness?


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