Suffering and Glory – Lent Day 25

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18                                                                        

Suffering and Glory. Not words that occur naturally in combination nor in conversation. Suffering is an ingredient of our lives. We experience it frequently. We suffer from the hatred of others. We suffer from our choices gone wrong. We suffer for no reason, seemingly! It just does not seem fair! Yet, suffering is here to stay!

We actually choose to experience the suffering of Jesus during Lent. Did you get that? We choose… Why would someone choose to participate in Jesus’ suffering? 

Because Jesus was the suffering servant and we choose to remember His suffering; the hard days at the hands of the Pharisees, the periods of being alone praying on the mountains, and finally His suffering on the night of the betrayal and His crucifixion. We choose to participate in His suffering!

Well, what about the glory? When does that arrive? 

 The glory comes after the suffering. It comes as a result of Jesus’ resurrection. Lent is a time of purposefully gazing at and entering into the suffering of Jesus. Does it hurt? Only if we allow Jesus to dwell within us and walk with us.

I want Jesus to walk with me
I want Jesus to walk with me
All along my pilgrim journey
I want Jesus to walk with me

Remember, Glory is coming!


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