Silently – Lent Day 23

But I stand silently before the Lord, waiting for him to rescue me. For salvation comes from him alone. Psalm 62:5                                                                                                  

“Silence is golden,” or so I have heard.

How about this one…”Go where the silence says something good.”

Another one is…”Next time you stumble upon a silent person, listen up!”

And finally…”Silence speaks in vibes, not sentences.”

Judging from these pithy sayings, silence may be more than golden, it just might be quite loud! How about you? How’s your silence? Do you allow silence into your life or do you fear silence? Silence can be a companion or an enemy…and you are the one to choose.

We have just emerged from a time of, “How silently, how silently, the wondrous gift is given,” and find ourselves propelled into Lent with, “let’s prepare…get ready…Easter is coming.” With so much in our collective futures, when will we find time to “stand silently?”

We stand…silently before The Lord…for Salvation is from Him…alone! Lent is all about waiting and silence.  We still look into the future, as we stand.  Silently!  And here it comes….how silently, how silently…God…we wait for you!

Are we silent…enough?


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