Listen – Lent Day 22

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:12                                                                                                        

“We need to talk! May I schedule a time to talk with you, face to face?”

Talking. It’s done on the phone, by video conference, through the screen door and even through hospital glass. However the best talking is done face to face. In person!

Jeremiah sent an encouraging letter to the Jews in Babylonian exile. His words in shortened form were: Call, Come, and Pray. Today, we would say: Call, Come, and Communicate. In other words: Call on me, Come into my presence, and Communicate with me…let’s talk.

Jeremiah’s words looked forward to a time when the Jews would return to their homeland and resettle Jerusalem and their other towns. In the process of returning, they were encouraged to Call, Come, and Communicate. God wanted…more than anything…to develop relationship with His people, the Jews. His desire was to love and provide for them.

God still desires relationship with you and me. Lent is the time to Call, Come, and Communicate with God. 

 And His promise? 

 He will Listen!


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