Gather – Lent Day 42

“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. Luke 13:34

Gather – To assemble, congregate, or come together.

How do we gather? Perhaps the most familiar gathering is one sung around Thanksgiving, “We Gather Together,” a Dutch hymn of thanksgiving celebrating a victory in battle.

Here’s another gathering song, “Shall we gather at the river,” composed by Robert Lowry and sung at many gospel singing events.

One last “gathering” for your thoughts, “We Gather together…Now please get Lost!” by author Diane de Groat. This interesting book is in the Berenstain Bears series.

Jesus took another direction when discussing when and how to “gather.” His heart’s desire was to demonstrate the love of God to His Jewish family not only in Jerusalem but all over Palestine. The rejection of Jesus as Messiah was devastating; however it did not deter Jesus from His appointed mission of salvation for the world.

Jesus came to “Gather” all who were willing. Gather – coming together…into the saving arms of Jesus. This offer of salvation is open to all who will believe, to anyone who will claim Jesus as Savior. 

How about it?  Are you willing to be “gathered” to Jesus?

Jesus still offers to “gather” us. In fact, His heart’s desire is to “gather” us to Himself.

Are you ready to gather?


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