Fortress – Lent Day 38

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2

A fortress was designed to protect even under dire circumstances. It was meant to be the last and most secure line of defense, regardless of the weapons and strength of any opponent.

JRR Tolkien developed a story which followed the exploits of Hobbits, Men, elves and dwarves. Fortresses figured heavily into his massive tale. Helm's Deep was a valley in the north-western White Mountains of Middle-earth. Helm's Deep, with its fortress the Hornburg, becomes the refuge of the army of Rohan, the Rohirrim, under King Théoden, from assault by the forces of Saruman.

Moses was probably the writer of Psalm 91. As leader of the Israelites during their 40 year travels toward the Promised Land, Moses was familiar with the need for protection from enemies. While needing physical protection and desiring a fortified location, his fortress was none other than God Almighty.

Moses trusted God for protection above walled cities, fortresses of stone, and castles with deep motes and armed knights. God was the fortress and protector of Israel. In this Psalm, even the idea of sheltering under the protection of The Most High was likened to standing in the shadow of God.

While walking with his parent, a child viewed a very large dog approaching. The child moved into a position of safety, behind the parent and in the shadow. In that spot the child felt safe and secure, no longer afraid of the dog.

In the same way, we are secure with God.

He is my refuge and my fortress…


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