Destroy This Temple – Lent Day 30

Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days. John 2:19                                                                                                                      

Did I hear you correctly? Are you saying that we can demolish our sacred Temple, and…and you will rebuild it in three days? Is that correct?

The Temple leaders heard Jesus correctly, however their understanding was faulty. The words were accurate, but the context was all wrong.

Jesus’ example concerned His body, while the Temple leaders were focused on their physical building. They heard right…but got it all wrong.

We are over halfway through Lent, and I wonder how our understanding of Lent is going. Are we doing everything right while missing the point? Have we uttered the correct words while the meaning has been waylaid?

“I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” - Alan Greenspan

Lent is not so much about giving up something, as it is about emptying ourselves before God in order that He may fill us with Himself.

We entered Lent with perhaps a tank full of ourselves. Rather than empty the tank, we find ourselves giving up something.

“I think that I will give up chocolate.” I grew up hearing friends say they were giving up fish for Lent. Nothing wrong here. However, we have given up something while still maintaining a full tank of ourselves.

Lent – empty yourself before God and allow Him to fill you with Himself. Seems simple.

Seems Simple? Seriously?

Do you have a temple of self in your spirit? Have you erected an altar of ego in your life? Your tank of self seems to be full. How about draining the tank of self and allowing God to fill you with His life…His being.

Are you ready for a fresh start? It’s never too late to destroy the temple of self.


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