Completion – Lent Day 21

For we [not relying on the Law but] through the [strength and power of the Holy] Spirit, by faith, are waiting [confidently] for the hope of righteousness [the completion of our salvation]. Galatians 5:5 AMP                                                                                 

The typing exam was brutal! We were all accomplished typists, at least that’s what our typing teacher told us. We were doing our best to display our competence while wondering how we would be able to complete the typing exam within the time limit. What was the exam? Merely retype a full page with no errors; no erasers, no marks, just a clean typed sheet, completed within a 40 minute time limit!

Completion. It’s a process and a goal. We process through our waiting and look forward to the goal, the end. Now, how does that relate to our lives of faith?

Lent is the process…the waiting period. We live each day in the knowledge that Jesus loves and lives in us. We endure hardships, we celebrate, we hurt and share the hurts of others. We want to quit…step away, yet we continue because the process is not the end. The process is the development or course of action. It is our daily life as we look toward the end.

The goal is the completion of our Salvation and the process is preparing us to finish well. The hope is to hear our Savior say, “Well done.” Yet, in the process we hear those words each day as we live for Him. Could the goal be the process? Is completion really the cessation of work?

As we process through Lent, let’s keep our eyes on the goal, the completion of our Salvation.


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