Appearance – Lent Day 29

And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. Philippians 2:8

“Things are not always as they seem”

This wise saying was gently said to me as a child by my parents and then repeated when I was in school and college. It has served well to encourage me to look past first impressions, to think about what is being viewed and then, to be careful in the decision making process.

Jesus’ appearance as a baby had been prophesied for hundreds of years, yet His appearance on the cross created turmoil for many of the religious leaders. “Is this man the Messiah?” “How can Jesus be the Anointed One?” These questions were circulated during Jesus’ lifetime, and continue to make the rounds in our enlightened lives.

Our Lenten quest continues as we observe The God Man, Jesus, walking the long road to Calvary. As Jesus humbled Himself, so we must humble ourselves. But how can we become obedient to death? 

 We walk with Jesus as believers, praying, fasting, and allowing Him to live His life through each of us. Personally, Lent has been a time of experiencing the pain of the cross as I walk, daily with Jesus.


Jesus was Man and fully God. We walk with Him only so far. He alone will complete my Salvation.


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