All Day Long – Lent Day 24
Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Psalm 25:4-5
All Day – a term for the entire day.
All Day Long – a word picture of a day that seems to last forever. The 1962 movie, “The Longest Day” depicted the World War 2 Normandy Invasion, a day that seemed to last forever, and changed the course of a long war.
Lent feels long and unending at times. We try…yes, we honestly try to do our Lenten duty. Pray, fast, pray more, try to reconcile differences with our Lord and others, pray even more, and look to the coming of Easter. And then we start it all again. Lent feels so long and unending.
My hope…my desires…my belief…they are all in You, Lord! All day long. Help me as I look to you for your ways! Your paths!
I need your truth, so please teach me. You, alone are God! You are my Savior!
All Day Long
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