Treasure - Lent Day 7

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21                                                       

What is your treasure?

Your mate? Your children? Friends? Pets? Money?

How do you assign value in your life? What are your priorities? What is most important to you? 

 The most important person…ideal…thing…in your life, is your treasure!

Our thoughts betray us when we mention “treasure.” Why? Because our “treasure” is always on our mind. We think of our “treasure” constantly. We guard our “treasure” carefully.

What has been on your mind during this period of Lent? Are you dwelling on the death of Jesus? Is there recognition of your personal sin leading to confession? Jesus wants to be chosen as first in our lives. He wants to be our “treasure.”

Jesus, Name above all Names. Treasure above all Treasures.

What’s in your treasure room?


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