Humble - Lent, Day 1 - Ash Wednesday

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 1 Peter 5:6

Humility?  Not my thing!  

I have enough trouble in life without adding humility!  Surely this verse is not serious?  

Really?  You want me to humble myself?

Lent is not particularly known as being a time to practice humility, yet…here we are.  The season is known by some as a time to give up…leave behind, or just do without.  Perhaps you will not eat meat for a season.  Some groups will turn off the television, hide the candy jar or even take a sabbatical from speaking out loud.

However you plan on observing Lent, remember that the focus is on Jesus and His saving love for you.  Lent is all about Jesus.  He loves you, died for you, rose from the dead and is in Heaven…loving you greatly.  It was His plan to save you from your sins.  It really is all about Him!

So…let’s look at lent…and what it is about.  Simply, it is a time of reflection and preparation.  Reflection on what Jesus means to me, or how I can serve Him…more effectively, or differently.  It is also preparation…for Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter.

Why should I spend 40 days in reflection and preparation?  Don’t we do this as Christians all year long?

Do you?  Do you honestly spend time in reflection and preparation…all…year…long?

Lent is a time that we designate to look inside…like checking the gauges and engine on a car.  We take a closer look at our lives and what Jesus means to you and me.  It is a time of honesty.  It is a time of…humility.  When we look at ourselves, we realize that we need a Savior.  Jesus is The Savior.  Admit it!

We need help…a Savior.  That takes humility!  Welcome to Lent!

Humble yourselves…admit your needs.



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