Abundantly – Lent Day 12

 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have life, and may have it abundantly. John 10:10                                                                                  

“ I want you to have a life lousy with joy and stinking with excitement!” 

Believe it or not, this is a positive statement, in fact the writer just wished for you…are you ready…an abundant life!  Jesus said that His express purpose was to bring life filled to the brim with joy, excitement, fullness, and purpose.  Abundantly…overflowing.

How can we have this life during one of the most solemn times of the year?  How can I have joy and excitement during Lent?  Is it possible to experience fullness………overflowing fullness during Lent?

Yes, and as we gaze forward, remembering our Lord’s passion and resurrection, we plan for joy, fullness, excitement and purpose, even as we walk through sadness and hurt.  Just as Jesus endured the horrible beating and the deadly cross, as He looked forward to His own resurrection, we look…with Him, toward the abundance that is coming!

Jesus came to bring life…Abundant life!  Life out of hurt and death.  Life out of Lent.

Are you planning for life?  



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