Watch - Advent Day 15

 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. Luke 2:8 (NIV)

Sheep and watching, perhaps one of the most boring jobs in the world.  Most of the time is spent merely watching and waiting.  The few times of excitement happen when a predator slips in for an easy meal.  The shepherd then earns his wages with a quick and final fight in order to protect the sheep.

The key job qualification for a shepherd is watchfulness.  Advent is about watching and readiness to act.  Just as the shepherds were “keeping watch,” we are to keep on watching…never giving up.  Keep your eyes opened…wide opened, for whatever may happen.

We have previously been informed of the Messiah’s imminent birth, we know the location and have been watching anxiously for it to happen.  Now…we are exhausted…we need a nap.  “I am so tired.”

Don’t give up!  Messiah will come!  

Say awake!  Keep on watching!

Watching is hard work.  It takes time and never earns a trophy.  Watching does have it’s rewards…seeing the impossible come to pass.  Watch for your Messiah!

Watching......…waiting….......seeing what does not seem to be there.

Watch…God promised!  

Advent – God is coming to us.


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