Vision - Advent Day 6

 “I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near.  A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel.” Numbers 24:17 (NIV)


I know that He’s here…however…I can’t see Him clearly.

Prophecy is vision without sight.  Understanding without grasp.

God gave words to Prophets who struggled with perception.  A star and scepter would lead one to understand that a ruler was on the way.  What an amazing vision for a gifted Man of God!

Not so!  The “gifted man of God” was none other than Balaam, the false prophet who worked for hire.  The Moabites observed the Israelites departure from Egypt and God’s guiding hand on their travels.  They were scared!  Literally, scared to death!  King Balak of Moab hired Balaam to curse Israel.  However, God had other prophetic words for Balaam to speak.

While the families of Israel were on the march to the Promised Land, God’s Promise of a ruler, a Messiah, filled the mouth of Balaam.  In trying to curse Israel, Balaam filled the countryside with words of the promised Messiah.

The prophecy of the coming King, The Messiah, coming from the mouth of Balaam.  The words, the promise….The One who is to come….will come!

The story of Balaam, a talking donkey, and words of prophecy fill me with hope.  God chose to talk through a donkey and a false prophet.  Imagine what God can do through You…me…as we yield ourselves to Him for His work.

Vision…God Promised!  Advent – God is coming to us.


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