Love - Advent Day 21

 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.  This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 1 John 4:7, 9

 “Do you love me?”

Does this question sound familiar?  Perhaps you have been asked or even asked someone these very words.  I wonder if the more appropriate question might be, “How do you love me?”

God answered this question by sending His only Son, Jesus, into our world.  We banter the word “Love” with statements, such as “I love hotdogs,” or “I love my car.”  The “Love” that God has for us is the Greek word, Agape – to care for deeply, esteem highly, and prefer above another.

Because God IS love, His very nature is love…which means….He cares deeply for us, He esteems us highly and prefers us above anything else in the world!  God is not full of love for us…He IS Love!  

Think of it, God Agapes (Loves) me…just because!  That is our God!  AND….because He loves us, Jesus was born into our world as proof and example of God’s love!

Christmas, Jesus’ coming into our world, is confirmation of how God loves us.  We prepare for Jesus’ coming during Advent.  Are you ready to receive God’s love gift?  He is coming.

Love…God promised!  

Advent – God is coming to us.


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