Birth - Advent Day 22

 You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.   He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.” Luke 1:31-33 (NIV)

Are you sure?  This sounds too good to be true!

Could we try that one more time?

“The Angel’s good news was almost unbelievable!  We have waited so long.  It wasn’t possible…or was it?  I was chosen to be the Mother of our Messiah!  Really?  And not only The Messiah, but King David’s heir…and something about His kingdom lasting…forever?”  Surely these thoughts must have run through Mary’s mind.

Our Messiah!  Finally, He is coming!  We’ve waited so long!

The promised birth!  The Prophesied birth…the Angel….it was too much for a young virgin to take in, yet, she quietly submitted her will to her Father in Heaven.  The Angel’s words renewed the prophecy of The coming King!  The one who followed in King David’s footsteps!  It truly was happening!

Jesus, The Messiah, born of The Virgin, Mary.  The promised one, called The Son of The Most High!  Jesus…….Jesus…….His name is Jesus.  He is coming…to us.  

Did you get that?  

To US!

Almost unbelievable!

Believe it!  Jesus, The Messiah is coming.

 Birth…God promised!  

Advent – God is coming to us.


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