Are You Listening?
Are you listening to me? Did you hear what I just said? You are on another planet and did not hear a word I said!
Listening is more than just hearing. It is paying attention with your ears, eyes,
and mind! Eyes? Yes, your eyes. Did your schoolteacher surprise you with…”Pay
attention!” Was your teacher asking
you merely to listen, or was the command meant to cause you to focus your ears,
eyes and mind on classroom teaching?
The Bible contains over 100 verses covering listening. We listen to parents, friends, spouses and
omit the most important source…God. Have
you allowed God to speak to you recently?
Are you listening?
James, the brother of Jesus, gave us a gem of God’s
truth. Let’s read it together.
Don’t fool
yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but,
letting the Word go in one ear and out the other. Act on what you
hear! James 1:22
As an ADHD child, much of my life was
spent listening to adults chasten me for not listening. My mind always seemed to be away from the
needs at hand and never in the present.
I wanted to listen to whomever was speaking, but so many other things
clamored for my attention. There was
always too much going on for me to focus on one activity.
In the Walt
Disney movie, Moana, our heroine (Moana) had a calling on her life for
an important mission. Her understanding
of the mission was full of gaps. She
wanted to fulfill her calling but really had no idea how to begin. Grandma, however had the knowledge and
understanding of Moana’s calling, and in her years of wisdom, waited until
Moana was ready to listen…ready to receive “Grandma wisdom.”
scene opens on the beach. Grandma is
humming and swaying to her inward music.
Moana is furious and complaining about her life. This short conversation ensues:
Moana -
Is there something you want to tell me?
Grandma- Is There something you want to hear?
there something you want to hear?”
Hearing this exchange for the first time caused me to pause the
movie. Is there something I want to
hear? Have I missed something in my life
that I need to hear?
almost laughed! These wise words came
from a cartoon, yet they reached my soul.
I almost fell off the sofa with the realization…I listen every day, yet
how much do I really hear? I mean…Really
1:22 says…”Listen…don’t let the words go in one ear and out the other.” He continues, “Act on what you hear!”
Is there something you want to tell me?
Is There something you want to hear?
you listening?
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