Life Storage

 Storage units make money when you and I go to the store. Upon purchasing needed items, we soon discover that room for all of our items is at a premium and we must find alternate quarters for some of our stuff. This is where storage units enter.

“Store your stuff with us,” is a frequent sales pitch. Another pitch is, “If you’ve got the stuff, we’ve got the space.” A well-known storage facility called “Life Storage.” is brightly colored with many windows and just looks “homey.” The company keeps the property clean, cleared, and desirable.

Perhaps you are wondering why I am discussing “Life Storage?” Believe it or not, it reminds me of a parable that Jesus told in Matthew 25:14-30. An employer gave bags of gold to three employees. One received 5 bags, another 2 bags, and the last received 1 bag. The first two immediately went to work and doubled their investment.

 According to Jesus’ parable, “the man who had received one bag went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.” Matthew 25:18  In other words he found a storage facility and placed his employer’s gold in a storage closet. He had an opportunity to use his business sense and invest the money, however he chose to stay safe and store the money…where? In a hole in the ground, of all places!

In other words, this man placed his own life into storage. He could have been out working; however, he chose to place his life on hold and his savings into storage. Perhaps you have found yourself “in storage” as it were. Maybe you were uncomfortable with a former situation and chose to do nothing. It may have been easier  just to “store your stuff,” rather than cope with change.

Jesus’ answer to this dilemma is fascinating. The first two employees were rewarded handsomely for their diligence. The third employee was fired, and his money given to another. In other words, don’t just store your stuff, go out into life and get involved. Try something new. Yes, you might fail, but you just might succeed! Bypass the storage unit and live life to the fullest.


(As a P.S. let me add that I am in no way discouraging the use of Life Storage units. The company seems to be a fine business. KC)


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