A Cloudy Day
The clouds were thick and dark. We saw them from a distance but as we drove, those same clouds seemed to envelop us. Suddenly we realized that we were inside those thick and dark clouds! We no longer had access to the bright sun. Our dazzling, sunny day lay many miles behind us.
With no choice but to drive on, our brave car
with bright lights blazed a trail through the mountains, over the rivers and
through the woods and finally…finally, we came to a mountain peak, overlooking
a sunlit valley. The dark clouds were gone.
Clouds can be frightening because our vision
is limited. The view from a cloud is, well… more cloud. We feel trapped, as
though we will never leave the prison of clouds. They hold us within a quagmire
of darkness.
Joni Mitchell sang of clouds,
now they only block the sun,
They rain and they snow on everyone
many things I would have done
But clouds got in my way.
( Joni
Mitchell - Both Sides Now )
Jesus needed a bit of “time away”. His desire
was to spend time with His Father so he took Peter, James, and John with Him to
a mountain in order to pray.
“As he was praying, the appearance of his
face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning.” ~ Luke 9:29
The disciples were not only surprised, they
were terrified! As if the brightness of Jesus and his clothes were not enough,
suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared. Imagine seeing the most important prophets
of Jewish history, who were supposed to be dead!
It was at this moment that, “A cloud
appeared and covered them, and they were afraid as they entered the cloud.” ~ Luke 9:34
Fearful in the clouds. It sounds like a song.
Actually, the disciples heard the voice of God speaking. Imagine finding
yourself inside a cloud and hearing God speak. Suddenly the fearful cloud became
a service of worship because God was present.
Are you covered by a cloud? Is it causing you
to be anxious and quivery? Your cloud could be the beginning of a worship
service. Just as God spoke to the disciples, listen as He speaks to you. “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen
to him.” ~ Luke 9:35
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