Risen – Lent Day 47

Early on Sunday morning, even before the sun had fully risen, the women made their way back to the tomb with the spices and ointments they had prepared. When they arrived, they found the stone was rolled away from the tomb entrance, and when they looked inside, the body of the Lord Jesus was nowhere to be seen. They didn’t know what to think. As they stood there in confusion, two men suddenly appeared standing beside them. These men seemed to glow with light. The women were so terrified that they fell to the ground facedown. Why are you seeking the living One in the place of the dead? He is not here. He has risen from the dead. Luke 24:1-6 (The Voice)

The dark penetrated their very souls. Their hearts were broken, yet these faithful women had one final duty to perform. The body of Jesus still required a task that none of the disciples had volunteered for. The dead body needed to be anointed with spices and ointments, and it would have to be done quickly.

The tomb loomed ahead of them. 
                         “Who will roll away the stone?"
                                                "We will cross that bridge when…”
“The stone! It’s been rolled away! Oh No! What has happened?”

The lives of these caring ladies changed. In fact, noting would ever be the same for them. Not only was the stone rolled away, but the body that needed the spices and ointments…was gone!

The ladies were functioning in the realm of death, crucifixion and pain. Suddenly, their world changed and everything was different. The angels gave a most amazing message using a new language. Risen, resurrection, and restoration were new vocabulary words for their teacher who had become their risen Savior.

Jesus was alive! It was almost too much to grasp and understand.

The message is just as relevant to us…You and me…today! Jesus IS alive!

It has been a long journey from Ash Wednesday, through Palm Sunday, Holy Week, the crucifixion and the silent days in the tomb. Finally! Finally, we can celebrate! Jesus is alive!

Will you celebrate with me? Jesus is alive and loves you! He offers salvation to all who will believe and accept Him as Savior. Are you ready to leave lent and celebrate Jesus’ resurrection?

He is Risen!


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