Watch In Hope – Lent Day 15

But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me. Micah 7:7                                                                                                    

Watching is tiring work. Watching involves concentration and an understanding of what is being watched for! What exactly do we expect to find?

During lent, we do quite a bit of watching and waiting. Jesus asked His disciples to keep watch with Him while He prayed prior to His crucifixion. His request was for the men to be vigilant, to be alert! We might tell someone, “Keep your eyes peeled!”

During these 40 days of Lent, we watch and wait…and we learn. What do we learn? Perhaps the question should be, “what exactly do we expect to find, or to learn? 

Do you watch and wait with an empty mind? Do you wait for Lent lessons to find you? Or….do you actively seek…do you watch in hope? Do you wait, knowing that God will hear your heart’s desires?

So, again…what exactly do you expect…or hope… to find during Lent?

Do you…watch in hope?


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