No Condemnation – Lent Day 33

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1-2

How does it feel to be free? Really free? Your sentence has been commuted and you are free to leave.

Imagine with me…you’ve been imprisoned for years. You have no freedom to move about, or to make choices for yourself. Someone else has been in charge of your life. You eat, sleep, and even walk at the whim and decision of an official who delights in managing your life.

Jesus came to free us from the prison of sin and death. By His death and resurrection, we have been granted release from the condemnation imposed on us. You may ask, “how is this possible?”

Jesus made it possible “for those who are in Christ Jesus,” in other words, those who have accepted the salvation that Jesus has made available. 

Lent is a time of leaving behind and preparation for Easter. We leave behind anything that hinders our relationship with Jesus and prepare for the joy of His resurrection which provided our salvation.

Jesus is the “author and finisher” of our salvation, we simply accept His free gift. 

The result?

We are forgiven…there is now no condemnation.


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