Mourn – Lent Day 35

Jesus answered, “How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them? The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast. Matthew 9:15                                                                                            

The disciples had no idea that Jesus was going to die. Jesus’ words concerning His death fell on sincere, but naïve ears. The disciples were not prepared to mourn the death of their friend and leader. Resurrection was not even a component in the crucifixion story. And now, Jesus was dead and the disciples were mourning.

The phrase, “Mourning is part of life,” has an unearthly ring. Think about it, we mourn at the loss of something, such as life. The word life denotes movement, thought, and warmth. The words “mourning” and “life”…? Do they even belong in the same breath?

Jesus combined our words. He found the common denominator between mourning and life. Would you like to hear the answer? Ok, here it is! Resurrection! Yep, resurrection is the answer. 

Mourning and life met their match in Jesus. No longer were two words an either/or situation. Jesus made mourning and life a “compound word”. He became …resurrection!

Our Lenten journey is coming to an end as is the time of mourning. Jesus Himself will guide us toward our resurrection surprise. Are you ready?

Mourn…but prepare for resurrection!


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