Cast – Lent Day 20

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7                                                                                                

Fly fishers use lightweight flies made of fur and feathers. ... In essence, the line is what casts the fly. (Robinton, 2014) › blog › basic-fly-casting-techniques

Casting a fly with accuracy takes skill and practice. It’s all about location if catching fish is the desired outcome. Anyone can throw a fishing fly into the water, however, in order to place a fly within the vicinity of a fish and hope for a strike, the fly must be in the line of sight of the fish.

How do you cast your anxieties? Are you casting your anxieties or cares to the wind, so to speak? If so, the wind could blow those same cares right back into your face. You would be the recipient of the same set of cares. This could happen again and again if cares are thrown into the wind.

Do you throw your cares to the ground? Cares have an amazing sticking ability. Walking over those cares inadvertently could cause them to stick to you, and again, you are stuck with the same set of old cares.

Casting of cares calls for caution. Seriously, we are to cast our cares only on Jesus because He is the only one who can hold our cares and keep them away from us. 

The word, “cast” means to throw permanently, for all time. In other words, throw your cares on Jesus, leave them, and forget them.

Are you tired of your cares? Take a hint from a fly fisherman, cast your cares away.

Cast them on Jesus.


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