Servant - Advent Day 3

“Here is my servant, whom I uphold,
    my chosen one in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him,
    and he will bring justice to the nations. Isaiah 42:1

 Leader of none and slave to all.

Servant, not a pretty picture. Is it?  Isaiah’s portrait of The Messiah demonstrates God as delighting in this particular servant.  Jesus, born to be the Servant King, and full of the Spirit of God.

Imagine with me, a serving individual, someone who remains near the back of the party.  Jesus came to remain in the position of helper, the one who washes feet or helps fishermen find the motherlode of fish.  He was born under a star but did not live as a star.  Jesus stepped aside from His exalted position and became…a servant?

Jesus is coming to….coming to what?  Coming to You and Me as…..As what?  A servant!  The Servant!  The One promised for hundreds of years.  The One coming to Serve.

Are you delighted?  God was and still is delighted with His Chosen One.

Servant…God Promised!  Advent – God is coming to us.


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