One And Only - Advent Day 13

 No one has ever seen God.  The One and Only Son, the One who is at the Father’s side, He has revealed Him. John 1:18 (HCSB)


I wonder what God looks like?  Do you have questions about God?  Does He have freckles?  Blue or brown eyes?  Tall or short?

The twelve disciples had questions and Philip was brave enough to approach Jesus with a request, “show us the Father.”  Jesus’ answer?  “If you have seen me (Jesus), you have seen The Father.”

Can you picture John taking notes on this occasion, listening carefully to the conversation?  Jesus’ answer is plainly seen in the first verses of John’s Gospel.  Jesus is the picture of God!

Jesus came to people whose imaginations were starved for God.  Jesus came to install a human face on God.  God was coming to us in the flesh!  God incarnate!

Jesus is The One And Only of God!

One And Only…God promised!  

Advent – God is coming to us.


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