Light - Advent Day 12

 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.    John 1:9 (NIV)


It sure is dark in this room !

Well, turn on the light. 

Where is the switch?

So, you need light?  Jesus is The Light of the world.  He came, already bright, already lighting the way, and His light was for everyone.

Why should we walk in darkness, stumbling on life’s problems?  

But, the darkness is so overwhelming!  I can’t take it!  Everything that I do seems to be consumed with darkness.  I cannot seem to find my way!  Is there help for me?  Is anyone out there?

This is the good news.  Jesus came for you.  There is no need to live in darkness.    

He came at the express desire of God The Father and His light will drive the darkness from your life.  He is your true light.  Will you reach out to Him?  As the Ralph Carmichael song said, “Reach out to Jesus.  He’s reaching out to you.”

Jesus is The light of God.

Light…God promised.  

Advent – God is coming to us.


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